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Ian H. Taylor
Google Scholar / CV


GelSlim 3.0: High-resolution measurement of shape, force and slip in a compact tactile-sensing finger
I. Taylor, S. Dong and A. Rodriguez
arXiv Preprint
ICRA’22 (Submission)

[Project Page] [Paper] [Video] [Code]

Pnugrip: An Active Two-Phase Gripper for Dexterous Manipulation
I. Taylor, N. Chavan-Dafle, G. Li, N. Doshi, and A. Rodriguez
[Project Page] [Paper] [Video] [Patent Pending]


Robotic Pick-and-Place of Novel Objects in Clutter with Multi-Affordance Grasping and Cross-Domain Image Matching
A. Zeng, S. Song, [and 18 others, including I. Taylor]
Amazon Robotics Best Systems Paper
Amazon Robotics Challenge 2017: 1st Place Stowing Task
[Project Page] [Paper] [Video 1] [Video 2]

Prosthetic Hand.PNG

Novel Mechanisms to Improve Grasping of 3D Printed Prosthetic Hands
M. Sullivan*, B. Oh*, and I. Taylor*
Washington University in St. Louis MEMS 411: Senior Design Project, Certificate of Recognition
[Project Page] [Paper] [Video 1] [Video 2]


Identification of a stretch sensitive mechanoreceptor that detects slip
B.P. Lehnert, I. Alkislar, I. Taylor, C. Santiago, T. Bauer, Q. Zhang, L. Bai, Y. Zheng, L. Garibyan, A. Rodriguez, and D.D. Ginty
Janelia Research Campus “Junior Scientist Workshop on Mechanistic Cognitive Neuroscience”, 2021.
[Project Page] [Abstract]

Proposals & Funding

The Taxel: An Integration of High-Resolution Tactile Sensing with Compliant Soft Robotics
I. Taylor and A. Rodriguez
MIT Research Support Committee Internal Grant - NEC Corporation Fund for Research in Computers and Communications, May 2020.